Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 9

So the holidays have come and gone and all I can say is "I made it in 1 piece." After spending 5 hairy days with the inlaws we are finally home and getting back into the swing of things. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time up at the lake with everyone, it's just nice to be home and sleeping in your own bed and having your own space. Averi and Austin got spoiled rotten and I think us adults can't complain about the haul either.

We spent days on end outside tobogganing down to the lake, and even had a wiener roast and fireworks when it was -20. Who knew that could be fun?? Plenty of games were played as that is a necessity when families gather, and I don't think WII Canoeing should be attempted again until next Christmas when we have all recovered from this year :)

With the new year fast approaching I am looking forward to more good times spent with friends and family. I think 2010 will be as exciting as this year and look forward to all it will bring.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 8

The party was a huge Success, thanks to all who joined us to celebrate the season. As usual there was food a plenty and I hope fun was had by all. Now here it is 4 days before Christmas and I did the unthinkable, I WENT TO THE MALL! I didn't have a need to go to the mall really but it is part of the season that I love to partake in. I get more in the spirit by sitting in the full parking lot and just walking amidst the hurried shoppers than I do by setting up the Christmas tree. I cannot believe the amount of people in the jewelery stores (none of which was Chad.) I guess I should have put diamonds on my list too ;)All kidding aside, I have had sooo much fun shopping for Averi this year. She isn't getting anything expensive, just fun. Why isn't my husband easy to shop for too? I would be happy to buy him Sticker Books and a Slinky and even throw in a Transformer or two. I guess we'll have to wait and see if the thought really does count.
Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and that you've been good all year enough for Santa to remember you.
From our house to yours, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy 2010!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 8

So here it is 7 days before Christmas and I am sitting on my bum. What a wonderful feeling :) The party is to begin at 6pm tomorrow and all is ready, at least what I can do a day early. Every time we have people over it becomes all about the food. What am I going to serve, how can I WOW my friends again, can I outdo myself again? I guess I will know in a day or two. I enjoy entertaining and especially this time of year! Who doesn't enjoy dressing up and pretending we are all adults? Oh Wait, maybe we are :)
Next week we are leaving to the in-laws place in Ashmont. I'm sure it is beautiful with all the snow they have gotten and I am looking forward to spending some time in the outdoors with the kids. I'm sure there is going to be a Wii tournament of some sort too where the men will try to prove their masculinity while bowling or doing some form of Yoga. It should prove to be a fun event, I'm sure.
Other than that I am just looking forward to spending some time with family over the next few weeks and anxious to see what the new year brings for us. Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 7

It has been so cold and snowy here that we have spent the better part of a week in the house. Averi and I have made cookies galore, we made cinnamon buns with Melanie and the kids, I even tried to make Wassail, which is my new favorite Christmas drink.

Averi just loves to "help" in all aspects of the house now. On the weekend we set up the xmas tree. It became very clear we had to let her put up the ornaments where she wanted and just move them off the sagging branch once she went to bed. She was soooo excited to be a big girl and help that you just couldn't get mad. Same reason you can't get mad when she is trying to sweep the floor and uses the broom handle as a weapon she has no control over. Averi is innocent and she is the sweetest little girl. Today we went to see Santa at the mall. The lineup wasn't too bad so we stuck it out. They had a wonderful setup with a magical tree, and lights, a pond that the kids controlled the lights under, and gifts galore. It was beautiful. A wonderful lady took a picture of Chad and I under the tree and it was nice to capture the moment with us together.

I'm hoping to keep up with this blog as the season of friends and parties comes and goes. Keep posted to see how Averi does with the presents staying under the tree and keeping them wrapped. This should be a wildly fun challenge for her dad and I!