Monday, February 22, 2010

6 more weeks

So here I sit with exactly 6 weeks until my planned c-section on Easter Monday. I cannot believe I have made it this far and this little boy has held on so long. My weight gain has been manageable, my mood has been a little less (sorry Chad) and the rest is tolerable. Not having Averi around has been kinda bittersweet. I miss her and want her to come home but my house is cleaned and stays that way for more than an hour. On the phone last night she was telling me stories and grandpa had to translate but it was so cute to hear how animated she was about helping grandma at the cottage. "I help, I help" she kept saying. It was awesome!
So I think the nesting starts today. I woke up and immediately thought about all that needs to be done around here before the baby arrives. But first things first: The laundry. It piles up, albeit at a much slower rate without Averi here, but I needed to wash some clothes for the baby. I think from here I'll just start with the bathrooms and see how far I get.
Happy housecleaning/nesting day today!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's a new day

So we decided to bite the bullet. Melanie and I are going into a real business. In the world of babies there are many items that gouge you at the cash register and we have found a way to make them affordable to those who need them the most; People just like us. What we need from you is a name. What do we call ourselves??
Something original?
Something Catchy?

Please help! We are meeting with a store owner this weekend and need a business card with a name and a logo that explains what we are all about. Our product is all homemade, cute, fun and essential to any mother.

I look forward to any help you can provide!

Monday, February 15, 2010


So we planned a night out for the guys for Valentines Day. THE AMAZING RACE! And amazing it was. There were 5 venues for the men to get to and follow the directions. Make a love message out of snow or rocks at the park for the wives, complete a dance video to "I'm too sexy by Right Said Fred", Spell the word "LOVE" with their bodies, create a video with props from an optometry center, and finally to make a bouquet of chocolate flowers for the women. Amidst all this they had random amounts of money to buy us a gift that we gave them when we took their wallets away.
Let the race begin:
1. The Park- It was a cold and dark night. The snow was so frozen they couldn't build anything with it. The rocks were also frozen in place so the men took video of the ground and told a story to their woman. Atleast they were creative in that way.

2. Next came Chad's office and the music video. After much secrecy to get the music player to his office with the next clue it was all set. Little did I know the CD player was broken! I had no idea (of course it should have been played first to make sure) and the video never happened. I think they were pretty happy to hear that though.

3. They then left for the construction office and spelled the word LOVE with their bodies. This was a pretty simple task and they did good with it.

4. At the optometry center they all decided to wear sunglasses and instead of a video message to the wives, they made a very funny video of "I wear my sunglasses at night." Again, it was very creative.

At this point we phoned the men to make sure they called to let us know when they were on the way home. Alarmingly we found out the guys had been stopped by the cops. The ladies all started to laugh and panic because the wallets were all with us. As we waited for them to call back, the imaginations started to work overtime. What is a ticket with no license worth? Will the vehicle get impounded? Who's fault is this really? Was turning into quite a night.

Oh, at this point I should mention that we all had shirts made that matched. The mens' all said I heart (wives initials) and the womens were the opposite.

When Chad called to let us know they were coming home, he stated the shirts got them out of the ticket. Who in their right mind would wear shirts like that in public willingly?? LOL Shortly thereafter, the men came home and surprised the wives with the final task (the flower bouquets) completed and laughing because we believed the police story. What a bunch of Jerks!!!

While the men were out racing, the women were busy preparing the reward. The men were treated to a complete surf n'turf meal. Steak, Scallops, shrimp, stuffed potatoes and lots of dessert. I think that made it all worth while for them.

Even though things didn't go as planned all night, it was a wonderful valentines evening and fun was had by all. I just hope the payback isn't too bad on us.

Friday, February 12, 2010

So I got up yesterday like any other day and headed to the shower. I washed, then, I fell. Don't know how it happened but it did. I got up, dried off, and got dressed. I felt fine, Good thing. Then I called my mom. She said I'd be fine but should call the dr. I thought I'd be fine, but I called the dr. They said to go to the hospital. Not fine. Turns out, I'm fine. For 6 grueling hours they kept me there to make sure the baby was okay and that nothing serious was going to come of this. 6 LONG hours strapped to a machine that kept making the nurses come running because this child wouldn't sit still. I am so grateful that he is okay. There are no problems and nothing further to worry about. Should have taken mom's advice instead of the dr's. Turns out I'M FINE!

On another note.....I'm missing Averi like crazy. I am trying not to be the crazy neurotic mom I want to be and continue to pester my mom into letting me talk to Averi. I sit patiently and wait for them to call me but I hate being this far away from her. Of course Averi doesn't care that I'm not around. She calls for dad as soon as the webcam lights up and then proceeds to run around out of view of the camera. She is so full of energy and having such a great time on the coast that she may not want to come home to boring old mom.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 17

So here I am at 32 weeks and feeling absolutely HUGE! I can't believe I still have 8 weeks left. My hips hurt, my back hurts and being on my feet for 1 whole hour just about does me in. Thank god I'm supposed to be on bed rest and have an excuse for doing nothing when it hurts too bad. (Thanks for letting me rant)

Averi is having a wonderful time at Grandma and Grandpa's. Mom is sure to rub in that they go to the park everyday and play because the weather is so nice. Wish it would stop snowing here for a few days and the sun would come out. Grandma is trying to potty train Averi while she is out there and I hope it goes well, it would be so nice to have 1 kid out of diapers when the other shows up. I miss Averi like crazy and can't believe I still have 3 weeks with her gone, but you wouldn't believe how nice and clean the house is. When there are no children to clean up after it is a wonderful thing.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 16

So I have taken up sewing. I'm not great at it but I do enjoy it. I have found a relatively easy pattern that I actually am following with ease. Take a look! This is the girls fabric highchair in butterflies and the boys in dinosaurs. It is reversible, washable and easily transportable.

This is the team effort baby sleeping bag. When Averi was a baby I LOVED having a sleeping bag for her but they were so expensive to buy. Thus Melanie has helped me design one to make. It is easier than it looks.

Turns out there are things I can do when I am stuck in the house. It isn't exactly laying on my back but atleast I'm staying off my feet. Hope everyone having a baby likes homemade :)