Monday, November 15, 2010

When it rains it pours...

When I got up this morning I thought it should be a good day. Averi slept long and Brad slept from 6pm -8am. GREAT NIGHT!
Kickboxing started at 9:30 so I got the kids packed up and off to the gym we went. I struggled through the warm up with my knee throbbing and decided it wasn't going to happen, so I grabbed the kids and left. We went for a coffee with Jim and found he is doing well. Averi had gym and swim in the afternoon so we went back to the Trico Center. Brad and I went for a swim while we were waiting for Averi's lesson to be over, but before we could enjoy it Brad puked in the pool! Not just a little bit, but enough that I felt I should say something to the lifeguard. He rolled his eyes and promptly directed everyone to get out of pool. They had to cancel lessons and decontaminate the water. OOPS :( We get back to the change room where I take Brad's diaper off only to find it has broken open and all the crystals are stuck to him. I race him off to the shower all the while he is peeing on me....I love you too son!
Now we are home and I'm afraid after the day we have had to make dinner, so I think I'll save that for Chad!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I didn't think I was having an emotional night....Turns out I am!


Brad is the quietest, happiest little boy. If he has something to see, he could sit in the same spot for hours on end. He eats a lot, he smiles a lot and he is more than happy to let the dog french kiss him. When Brad is sitting on the floor playing, you can always count on Susie to be there too. As Averi says, fuffy is hers and Susie is Brad's. They play together, well , mostly Brad pulls the dogs hair, and they have some kind of respect for each other. I guess it's because they are the same size. When Brad is upset or wakes from a nap, Susie practically climbs on me to let me know. It's pretty awesome to know that Brad will grow up with a friend like Susie.


Averi is going to be 3 years old on the 29th and she is becoming quite the little person. Ever since she went to a birthday party next door she has been asking for her birthday so she can be a princess. She started school and they must sing for the birthday boy/girl because she has half the song figured out. When someone asks her what her name is she says 2 or free :) She knows her day is coming fast so she has been singing to herself. I hope she isn't disappointed when it's my birthday first.