Monday, June 28, 2010

Craft Fair

Well, we did our first craft fair with Domestic Designs and it was a flop :( The venue was fabulous, there were tons of people, the weather couldn't have been any nicer (except maybe a little less wind) and still, we didn't sell much. After working our butts off for the weeks leading up to the fair we were disappointed in the amount we actually sold. Cupcakes were made to draw people over to our booth and that helped but it never made people pull out their wallets. Bree brought all her eclectic "upcycled" jewelry and headbands while Melanie and our put all our effort into Children's chef hats and aprons, travel fabric high chairs, and sleep sacs.

Some things would definitely be changed for next time but until then we are going to have to sell our product elsewhere. Better luck next time, I guess!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Peacock

Averi: Mom, I peed
Me: Okay, wipe you bum
Averi: Is stuck
Me (Laughing): Oh, my little Peacock
Averi (wiggling her bum): Teacock, Teacock

Here is the proof!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh, what a night!

While Averi was doing this....
I was doing this.....
And Brad was doing this. Atleast one of us was happy tonight :)

Potty Training still

It has been 2 weeks and Averi is SLOWLY getting the hang of using the potty all the time except when she is outside playing in the dollhouse. Of course she doesn't go in to the bathroom pee, and leave like the rest of us. She copies her dad. I have included pictures for proof!

Take note of the Hockey magazines, the pants that are long gone, and the excess of toilet paper ripped off into perfect squares to keep for later use. She had to learn this behavior from somewhere and it wasn't from me!

Father's Day 2010

Chad is the best father to my 2 children. So what do you do for the guy that is impossibly simple on a day made just for him? Answer: Football Tickets. Only one problem with this gift. Who to send with him. It's difficult to plan something discreet when you need the help of others, but in this case it never worked out anyways. I figured Averi could go to the game with her Dad but also feared that Chad wouldn't spend as much time actually watching the game as he would Averi. Then it turns out that children under 2 are free so we still had an extra ticket. Okay, I'll go to the game with you. At the last minute we packed up BOTH kids, rushed to the train station and headed into the blazing sun. It couldn't have been a hotter day to sit crammed into a football stadium but we made the best of it. Averi loved to cheer and mostly cheered for the wrong team but was happy to do so. Brad slept in my arms for most of the 3 hours we were there, happy and content. We had a great time with the kids and only hope we can do it again sometime. Maybe next time the Riders will win!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Here's hoping!

So Chad decided to start a blog today. This ought to be interesting, he is very funny but he doesn't always stick with things he starts. I really hope he does this time because he really could have us all rolling on the floor laughing!

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Friend Neo

We have been lucky enough to have Neile be a large part of the kids lives. Averi loves to spend time with "my friend" and looks forward to seeing her on the weekends. Averi asks to talk to Neile on the phone and sometimes has quite the conversations. Very funny to watch on this end as Averi doesn't realize yet that Neile cannot see what she does through the phone.
Neile often takes Averi for the night and they go for walks, and usually out to eat. Averi has discovered through her friend that she likes Eel. Who knew in a world of picky eaters that a 2 year old would love something like that. It's great to have someone in my kids lives that will teach them and expand their horizons in other ways. I always say Neile is Averi's other Mom. She listens to her better than she does to me but is just as quick to want her to read a story or play with the football. It's so nice to know my kids have someone they can turn to and it's comforting for me to know they have another positive influence.

A day at the zoo

We often spend our days at the zoo since Grandpa Cull got us passes. Averi loves to see the "Teatocks" (peacocks) walking around with their tails out making loud screeching noises at each other and we have been lucky enough to watch as some of the animals have been fed. It is such an amazing sight. Last weekend was beautiful weather so we thought a trip to the zoo was in order. "Chay", Adi and "My Friend" (as Averi calls them all) joined us and we had a wonderful time.

Potty Training

Well, It's time. Averi is old enough that it is time I put some effort into potty training. We started out the day with her having a pee like a big girl so here's hoping she is up for the challenge. I have armed myself with treats, books, and her favorite show on TV. We may have to spend the week indoors but I'm hoping by Friday Averi will be out of diapers. Here's hoping!