Friday, April 23, 2010

Our first not so fun outing

My parents are gone, my in laws are gone and it is now just the 4 of us. The first thing on the agenda was a trip to the grocery store (Walmart Supercentre).What a disaster!!! Averi didn't sleep long last night so I knew my time was limited. We got in the store with Averi in the shopping cart and Brad in his carseat on the top. Right away I was concerned over where to put the groceries but had to tackle it. In short time Averi wanted out of the cart, then back in the cart, then back out aaannnddd then back in again. While this is all going on I am trying to get Brad to stop fussing. Unsuccessful!! I finally decide I have no choice but to sit down to breastfeed. So at the end of isle 5, there I sat with a baby attached to my boob and a toddler yelling to get back in the shopping cart. A few short minutes of this was quickly followed by Averi stinking up the joint. Well of course I didn't bring diapers with me, why would a mom think of that?? So, off to the baby dept we go. I grab a bag of diapers off the shelf and head straight for the ladies' room. I leave the shopping cart outside the restroom and haul the kidlets inside. I quickly change Averi's poopy bum with the 1, yes 1, bum wipe I have while being extra careful to keep it off my hand and her pants. Having completed this task I figure I can steal 30 extra seconds to have a pee myself. Of course nothing is that easy today. No sooner had my pants come down that Brad starts to scream at the top of his lungs, and Averi bolts from the restroom. I get out of the stall to see 2 employees of Walmart wondering what to do with the screaming baby. No worries ladies....He will stop :) I get the kids and decide it is time to call in some backup. Chad is busy at work and can't come help so I have to figure this out on my own. I move Averi to the top of the cart, Brad to the bottom, rearrange some groceries and buy a few minutes. I take this time to run around the dairy section and decide it is time to get out of dodge while I can. We head to the van with Averi once again yelling and Brad once again hungry. Does this ever stop?? I plug Brad with a bottle, try to ignore Averi and drive like the devil to get home. Thank god Chad got there when he did or I might have been crying with the other 2. Next time I vow to take Chad, diapers and maybe a snack for Averi. I'm sure this gets easier but I was totally unprepared!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Family Photos

So we went for family pictures today. What a job that was! Averi was so good and sat still when she needed but never quite understood when she was supposed to be saying cheese and looking at the camera. Brad on the other hand had some trouble holding his head up ;) All in all they turned out great!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My babies!

So far people say our kids don't look alike, I beg to differ. Just look at these photos, both taken at just a few days old. There is no doubt in my mind that these are the 2 cutest babies and they have the 2 best looking parents ;)